zaterdag 11 februari 2017


                                            Carnival of colors

                                      oil on panel (prepared with optical fibre) 60*80cm (above)
Painting produced in 2017. I didn't paint this kind of animation like paintings for a long time.
But it is always fine to do. Are they serious paintings? I would't know what a serious painting is.
A lot of people consider expensive paintings as serious. That is in every case the wrong way to categorise a painting (or other thing). Especialy in times where internet and fast media rule the waves. Authenticity is almost exterminated. Symbolism is misused in an extreme way. Think of the people (lots of them) who have tattoo's without meaning.

oil on canvas 40*50cm (above)

oil on canvas 60*80cm (above)

Now and then I paint pure abstract paintings completly devastated of symbolism or pictural content.
Even oblique lines are prohibited. Only pure enrgy of colors. Expolding in a composition where contrast of pure colors is the only rule. NO STORY. Alas, they are hard to capture in a photo and on a computer screen.

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