maandag 18 september 2017

Objects catching light

                                                     The pure essence of painting 

oil on canvas 60*80cm (above)

oil on canvas  60*80cm (above)

oil on canvas 60*80cm (above)

oil on canvas 60*80cm (above)

oil on canvas 70*90cm (above)

The construction (middle painting) with the towels and the sticks is 100% imaginary.
All the others are loosely based on photo's.
All these paintings are produced in 2015 and 2016.
The one with the vase (for example) has a fatter body and completly other design. As well as the curtain behind the vase and the table cloth.
In this case i wanted a psychedelic surrounding. In this way i could create a whirly atmosphere.
A kind of small whirling universe assembled with very dead objects.
The others are meant to be ascetic. simple things catching light. Or even only a wall or curtain keeping the light for the viewer.
As selfmade painter without any cultural or artistic education, i discover the world of culture together with painting itself.
Therefore it took me till 2015 to discover Zurbaran. Together with Vermeer, Balthus, Cristof Yvoré and Robert Kipniss , my list of predecessors is complete (for the moment).

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